I switched username and lost association with previous commits
I switched username and lost association with previous commits
Well... This happened a while ago, but I'm only realizing the impact now. I had my GitHub account long before 2017, back when GitHub's noreply email only contained your username. Recently, I changed my username to YesYouKenSpace because I thought it suited my personal brand better than kennethtxytqw. While checking some repositories' contributions (yes, I was stroking my own ego), I discovered something shocking—I had no commits showing before October 2024! This seemed impossible since I'd been working on these repositories for years.
Example of what I saw and got a shock from.
Example of what I saw and got a shock from.
I was panicking, of course. After all, my very self-esteem is built on these little graphs! While scrolling around, I found my old username still having its own contribution panel, but with no profile picture...
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Wait a minute—why do I have two panels? Then I recalled reading something along the lines of "...those commits will not be associated with your account..." when I was changing my username.
Gosh... I forgot that I didn't always use my personal email for my git commits...
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To salvage the situation—and because I'm still pretty stubborn about keeping my new username—I created another GitHub account to reclaim my old username. So now I have two usernames...
username reclaimed!
username reclaimed!
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